Monday, August 12, 2013

Welcome to the 2013-2014 School Year!!!

Welcome 4th grade students and parents to our blog!
It is our intention that we can use this blog to provide information on upcoming events in 4th grade, tips on how to help your child academically, and provide study tools. We also hope to be able to provide up to date information regarding classroom work/projects/tests.
Off to the right you will see five separate animated videos. They are to remind your child of the United State's five regions, as well as each state's capital. As a reminder, students must have ALL 50 states and capitals memorized by the beginning of May (students will learn each region individually with Ms. True in Social Studies throughout the year).
Please refer to the Unit Studies schedule you received at Curriculum Night, it is here you will find the dates of your child's rotation. The final day of each rotation in the cumulative test.
Finally, to the left you will see links to several different websites, which will help your child academically. There are two NESA practice sites included for the state reading and math test.
Please feel free to visit, and visit often! We will send out e-mails each time the blog is updated.

-Ms. True, Mrs. Blume, Ms. Chmelka